SuomiI woke up in Finlandthe sun was upblue skiesice hockey birds sangloveFormula 1buds appeared flowers bloomedspring had comeSpring Has ComeAnttola, FinlandRunning in the snowNykala, FinlandMakelankatu StreetHorses in the countryside Spring is comingHelsingin tuomiokirkko, SuurkirkkoThe road to NykakaThe Horse Ranch at NykalaHelsinki Uspenski CathedralHaukivuoren Ratsastuskoulu Breakfast at the RanchAlana and me at Haukivuoren Ratsastuskoulu Horse Ranch Swimming in the Gulf of Finland
I woke up in Finlandthe sun was upblue skiesice hockey birds sangloveFormula 1buds appeared flowers bloomedspring had comeSpring Has ComeAnttola, FinlandRunning in the snowNykala, FinlandMakelankatu StreetHorses in the countryside Spring is comingHelsingin tuomiokirkko, SuurkirkkoThe road to NykakaThe Horse Ranch at NykalaHelsinki Uspenski CathedralHaukivuoren Ratsastuskoulu Breakfast at the RanchAlana and me at Haukivuoren Ratsastuskoulu Horse Ranch Swimming in the Gulf of Finland